ALIM Web Help

Configuring ProjectWise Native and Rendition Files and Copies

There are two ALIM Web System Preference settings that together, determine what document copies and file types can be integrated with ProjectWise. ProjectWiseNativeFileDocumentCopies System Preference setting determines which document copies, for example, "NATIVE" or "REDLINE", to look at for native files, while ProjectWiseNativeFileTypes system setting specifies the native file extensions.

  • Only the file types specified for ProjectWiseNativeFileTypes setting is set for either registering documents from ProjectWise to ALIM Web, or from ALIM Web to ProjectWise.
  • When registering documents from ProjectWise to ALIM Web, files will only be added to the copies that are configured by the ProjectWiseNativeFileDocumentCopies setting. If a document does not have a copy with that name, a copy is automatically created.
  • When registering documents from ALIM Web to ProjectWise, if a file is attached to a copy that is not specified in the ProjectWiseNativeFileDocumentCopies setting, the file will not be included in ProjectWise.
  • The Synchronization service and IIS must be restarted whenever the value changes.

ProjectWiseRenditionExtensions and ProjectWiseRenditionCopyName ALIM Web System Preference settings are configured and treated in the same manner as those mentioned above, and the final result of what can be integrated is a combination of these two settings.

For more information, see AssetWise ALIM ProjectWise Connector System Preferences.